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what skills does ron shaich need to be an effective manager

The restaurant industry is a hyper competitive manufacture – this has long been the case. It'south mature, fragmented and has negligible barriers to entry. New entrants are attacking all the time. And it's an industry which is as "tough as hell" to succeed – did yous know that more than 1 third of eating place chains are out of business within a decade or two? If that'southward the case, how on earth can a staff of life visitor significantly outperform Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway over ii decades?

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Come across 2017 Hedge Fund Letters.

The answer to that question lies at the anxiety of Ron Shaich, the founder and Chairman of Panera Bread. Panera was the best-performing restaurant stock of the past 20 years, delivering a total shareholder render up 86-fold from 1997 to July 2017 [before being taken private], compared to a less than ii-fold increment for the S&P 500 during the aforementioned period. The stock annualised returns at an astonishing 25 per cent per annum.

DG Value Drops -4.9% In 2022 As Equities Struggle

Dov Gertzulin's DG Capital Management is having a rough showtime to the year. The firm'southward flagship fund, the DG Value Partners II fund, lost -0.48% in March. Following this pass up, the fund is off -4.9% for the twelvemonth to the end of the calendar month. DG Capital runs two main hedge fund strategies. Alongside the flagship Read More

Ron Shaich, Panera Bread

Source: Bloomberg

Information technology's no secret that I'1000 ever interested in learning from swell CEO's and investors - those people with outstanding rail records of success regardless of the industries they piece of work inside. I recently enjoyed listening to a Forbes interview by Steven Bertoni with Ron Shaich. This prompted me to larn more near how this 26-year veteran CEO successfully navigated the changing dynamics of the restaurant business organization, empowered his staff and adjusted to change to maintain a competitive advantage over the long term. And once once again, you'll notice many of the characteristics that ascertain Mr Shaich define other globe grade CEO's.

Here are some of my favourite snippets from both the Forbes Podcast and Ron Shaich's fantabulous website ...

Tabular array of Contents show

  • 1. Leadership
  • 2. Learning
  • 3. Three-Step Procedure
  • iv. What Job Clients Hire For
  • 5. Long Term
  • 6. Importance of Competitive Advantage
  • 7. How to Develop Competitive Advantage
  • 8. Long Term Transformation
  • 9. Innovation
  • 10. People and Incentives
  • 11. Culture
  • 12. Growth
  • thirteen. Contrarian Approach
  • 14. Stock Prices
  • fifteen. Quarterly Earnings
  • 16. Win-Win Arroyo
  • 17. Turnarounds
    • Spreadsheets
    • 17.ii. Questions


"This is what nosotros do as business concern leaders; we detect today what is going to matter tomorrow and brand sure our companies are prepared and set up for that as the world unfolds."

"The role of leadership is to dissever the wheat from the crust and know what the deeper trends are. We don't follow fads. What we do it endeavour to figure out is what is going to really matter in a deep and profound fashion 3 to five years from now."

"Leadership always requires developing a hypothesis, understanding where the earth is going and making a smart bet into that."

"I believe one of our roles as leaders is to tell the truth, and tell the truth nearly importantly to ourselves."


"I go to piece of work to learn .. I dearest the sense of making a divergence and figuring things out."

"Nosotros as leaders don't take enough time to learn. The i thing that I don't think we learn and value enough is empathy. We don't feel what the client feels."

"I view my work as a lifelong learning journey. I become to work to learn near how the globe works. How humanity works. And what will work in the world."

"The British author John le Carré in one case quipped, "The desk is a unsafe place from which to view the earth." I couldn't concord more. I visit anywhere from 25 to 100 Panera cafes every month. And what I e'er find is a kind of real-time performance fine art—dynamic interactions between our frontline crews and constantly shifting casts of customers, with the overriding goal of ensuring that when customers go out our "phase," they are nourished in soul as well as trunk. The performances always differ. And I inevitably learn something new. When I learn, the results are actionable ideas and a broadened vision. Opportunities for change are revealed."

Three-Step Process

"It'south non complicated. It starts starting time by telling ourselves the truth. In a really ruthless style. 2nd, to sympathise what few things really matter to get the jobs done that consumers are hiring united states of america to do.  What do we really have to do and how do we ready ourselves to exist able to exercise that equally the earth plays out over the side by side two to 5 years. Thirdly, nosotros become it done. You lot have those 3 things and you can accept success."

"I tell my team all the time that Panera's success comes downwards to 3 things we've ever been able to practise:1. Tell the truth. 2. Know what matters. three. Get the job washed. Virtually people practise not have the insight, foresight, or wherewithal to do all three. But I firmly believe that doing all iii is the fundamental to success in business concern and in life."

What Job Clients Rent For

"[With Panera] it was very clear to me we were serving existent consumer needs. Nosotros had a dominant position, a better competitive alternative in a range of different jobs that consumers were willing to hire u.s. for. That manifested itself in very loftier unit volumes, consistent from Detroit, Portland to Miami. Y'all could encounter its reproducability."

Long Term

"I call back long term."

"I've won because I had plenty credibility, I voted enough stock, that I was able to make these long term bets. That's what gave u.s. competitive advantage."

"What drove our outperformance was our power to make long-term transformations multiple times over 36 years. As a long term CEO; 26 years, I've had the opportunity to really await back and really reverberate on the public markets. And here is what I encounter - I see investors no longer owning companies but renting stock. Forty years ago the average holding time for a public company was 8 years, today information technology is 8 months. People are renting their stock. You have a very different world.

 Source: Ron Shaich IGNITE 2010 Presentation

Source: Ron Shaich IGNITE 2010 Presentation

You have activists, you have a lot of money managed passively and y'all accept the index funds deferring often to ISS to brand judgments, and nobody feels capable of separating the wheat from the chaff. So we go to the path of least resistance and say it tin't injure to assist the activists. Nosotros run into it across multiple industries - a company has a flat year afterward years of success, and activists get voted in to command the board. Someone can walk in and say I own 2% of the company and another six% in derivatives, I'm your possessor, cut costs in half and R&D, lever up the residue sheet, sell the stock and permit someone worry about the carcass.

That has an effect on CEO'south. At the same time nosotros run across the FANG companies. The hottest companies in the public markets.They are the ones who are winning. What is their competitive advantage? They have capital letter structures that let them make long term decisions.

I was on the board of Wholefoods which was sold to Amazon. And what is Amazon doing? The same things we would take done at Wholefoods; investing in digital and cutting prices because the competitive surroundings changed. Merely in Wholefoods we couldn't do it considering of the brusk term pressures coming at us from people who wanted united states of america to produce the results right now. What has Amazon got? The room and time to brand these kinds of investments.

Here's my point. These put CEO's in a very weak position. CEO's desire to please. They don't desire the vulnerability of someone walking in and taking control. So they tighten up. They get short term. That'southward the reality. They go for cost cutting, and ignore innovation and building customs and taking care of squad members. The ultimate result is that it dramatically affects the ability to do long term transformation, dramatically effects GDP growth and economic competitiveness for society."

"I began to recognise for our ability to go along to do great piece of work, I could think of no place better than with an ultra-long term investor, that allowed our people to practice information technology."

"Studies such equally this one from the Harvard Business concern Review conclude that founder-led businesses often outperform professionally managed firms. I would propose that they do and so because the founder's commitment runs far deeper and is often longer-term in nature than that of the professional director. And commitment and focus is what drives performance."

Importance of Competitive Reward

"I've learned that competitive reward is everything. But put, competitive advantage is what prompts customers to choose y'all over your competitors. Without it, your concern just fades away."

"Yous must develop true competitive advantage. Y'all must be the all-time alternative for certain guests, so much then that they walk past the institution adjacent door to visit your concept. Sounds easy, right? Well, in a globe where a new eating place pops up every day, truthful competitive advantage is i of the virtually difficult things to achieve. But it is the disquisitional slice that separates those who succeed from those who neglect."

"You will accomplish little if you lot don't maintain long term competitive advantage. It will accept backbone. Whatsoever your situation, you will ultimately fail if you lot don't deliver a superior experience for your target customer by doing what competitors don't."

"What sustains a visitor over the long term is how information technology thinks, not what it does. Because what is does is a past-product of how it thinks. Panera in its core comes from a view that competitive advantage is everything. If we don't accept a reason for people to walk past competitors and come to Panera, so we don't be. Losing competitive advantage is the greatest risk in business, and that's where our focus is."

"When [EPS] growth does occur, it's only because the management team is intently focused on continually sharpening the concept's competitive position through food, feel, people, communication and operational excellence."

"Focus intensely on making the right decisions today to build your same-shop profitability in the future. Recognize that aforementioned-store profitability is, in the long term, most directly impacted past your competitive position. Bet on the things that will amend your competitive position. I call these "smart bets." Making these bets requires an understanding of what the competitive landscape will look like 2, iii or more years in accelerate."

"I view my role as CEO as protecting those that discover ways to build competitive advantage."

How to Develop Competitive Advantage

"We may serve 10 million people a calendar week, simply if we're going to be competitive, it's all about one guest's experience."

"So how do you create competitive advantage?

First, make sure the niche yous focus on is large enough to sustain you, simply not then easily duplicated that you simply get a exam lab for larger competitors.

2nd, recognize that you can't please all the people all the time. Instead, develop a concept that'due south the singular best option for some customers on some days rather than the second-all-time choice for everyone, every day.

Third, accept that maintaining competitive advantage in this industry — with its low barriers to entry — is really difficult. One day you lot're the almost attractive alternative on the block. The side by side day your target customer is walking past your door to a "new and better place" downward the street.

Fourth, recognize and avert the reactionary nature of our industry, which often leads to macerated competitive reward. As concepts brainstorm to look more and more alike, companies move further away from existence the best competitive alternative for a certain group of customers. And earlier you lot know information technology, yesterday'south favourite is all of a sudden an industry has-been.

To avert this y'all must stand up for something over the long term. Yous have to mean something to your target customer. Yous can't exist changing every solar day."

Long Term Transformation

"The key to me has been to try to find ways and mechanisms for competitive advantage and opportunities for long term growth. If you look at it, Panera has continued to transform itself - half-dozen unlike transformations over the 36 years I have run this visitor. You can go all the way back to its germination. I formed it initially as a 400 square foot cookie shop in downtown Boston."


"Driving innovation is the most important role of the CEO."

"Innovation begins with understanding what job yous're trying to consummate for whom, and then determining what matters to that audience, looking for patterns, and trying to sympathize it."

"Virtually companies' systems and functions are designed to efficiently deliver a business concern model that was successful yesterday. But what you accomplished yesterday won't aid you succeed tomorrow. For that, you must continually plow to discovery."

"We must avoid the trap that befalls many big companies. That is, they bulk up their delivery muscle while letting their discovery muscle wither. Instead of innovating and doing the things that volition aid them discover the adjacent growth opportunity, they devote an inordinate amount of resources and focus to getting the work washed, on time and on upkeep. Of course, delivery matters. A company that busts its budgets and misses its sales targets won't endure for very long. But in terms of the competitive reward it can generate, discovery matters more. Much more than. When it reverses its priorities and puts discovery at the forefront, a company stands a far better chance of getting to the future kickoff."

"I oft retrieve of myself as the discoverer-in-chief. The virtually powerful role I have is protecting the people that are dreaming well-nigh where this visitor can exist in two to three to five to 10 years."

"I take long believed that every innovation process starts with learning. And learning depends on observing and questioning, which in fact led to the creation of Panera itself. In 1993, when I was the CEO of Au Bon Pain, we caused a 19-store chain called the Saint Louis Staff of life Company, which we believed would help us build a gateway to the nation'south suburbs. Only instead of immediately trying to calibration Saint Louis Bread, we spent the next two years studying it."

"We ran downward more than a few dead ends on the route to creating Panera. Nor did we seamlessly movement from question to solution. In that location were many interim steps along the way: observing, brainstorming, testing, prototyping, iterating, retesting, and more. But our innovation process started by asking questions."

People and Incentives

"If an organization is to build same-store profitability, it is essential that it have the correct people to really go the job washed. And it must incentivize them to do and then. I'grand always amazed at the number of eatery companies that incentivize their operators on the wrong things when it comes to building value. They incentivize on actual versus budgeted results, instead of base of operations shop profit growth year over twelvemonth over year. Frankly, this misguided focus on short-term metrics degrades shareholder value."


 Source: Ron Shaich IGNITE 2010 Presentation

Source: Ron Shaich IGNITE 2010 Presentation

"We Made a Smart Bet on a Clear Set up of Shared Behaviours: Cultural Values."

"Ask whatever of Panera'due south 100,000 employees what they like most virtually our corporate civilisation and they volition undoubtedly respond, "No jerks." Those 2 words — No. ane on our list of cultural values — set Panera apart equally an enterprise. They ensure that our relationships with each other and with our guests are based on respect and honesty, and they establish a standard for our conduct."


"In my opinion, growth is not a pedal to be pushed. It is not an cease in itself. Rather, growth is simply a means of building shareholder value past capitalizing on a successful business concern model.

Growth is a double-edged sword; it is either additive or subtractive of economic value. The bottom line is that growth can simply build value if the underlying business model is worthy of existence reproduced. Considering let'due south face information technology, the globe does not demand another restaurant — not unless that restaurant really offers its customers something improve.

Growth only makes sense once you have already congenital a business model that offers a better competitive alternative, and if management is highly confident they can deliver stiff and consistent returns on investment. Y'all must have these ii elements in place or else you really have no right growing. Indeed, without these two elements in place, growth simply becomes a form of gambling with your stakeholders' money — foolishly placing bets when the odds are strongly stacked against you."

"Nosotros tin all recall numerous concepts that said they "needed to grow" to keep their P/E high and their shareholders happy. Unfortunately, a misguided focus on growth equally an end ofttimes leads to more than bad outcomes than practiced. Similar lemmings, those management teams that encourage reckless growth march their companies right off the side of the cliff."

Contrarian Arroyo

"I'm contrarian past nature. I am looking for where the world is going to be in three to five years and where am I going to be."

"Your management team must be prepared to go against the herd. I call this beingness contrarian."

"'Contrarianism' is not unique to Panera. In fact, I would contend that the well-nigh successful companies in our industry — the McDonald's, Dardens, Starbucks, Chipotles and Yum! Brands of the earth — have all utilized contrarian thinking, applied consistently over the long term, to build competitive advantage. Each of these companies is obsessively focused on their target niches, steadfast in their long-term strategy and contrarian in their thinking — all to build further competitive advantage."

Stock Prices

"I have never focused on the stock price or the financial functioning. It'southward a by-product. I don't make the financial functioning . What I can make is a improve invitee experience. And when you lot deliver on the invitee's experience in an absolutely committed fashion, the by-product is performance. Ane of the things we often confuse in concern and life is the divergence between means, ends and byproducts.

 Source: Ron Shaich - IGNITE 2010 Presentation

Source: Ron Shaich - IGNITE 2010 Presentation

I focus on the guest experience. When we evangelize a superior guest feel, when nosotros deliver large runways for growth, nosotros then take a future. That is what drive's the financial operation.

The folks that focus on the stock price, in the end, always hit the rocks. They are giving me a great competitive alternative considering they're short terming. When y'all're focused on the next quarter and squeezing the visitor, you're giving me a cracking large opportunity to do a improve task than you are. Because things of value take fourth dimension."

Quarterly Earnings

"Wall Street judges Panera and every other public visitor by what we've achieved over the previous thirteen weeks and what it appears we'll attain over the next thirteen. Such shortsightedness is i reason why I pay very little attention to quarterly earnings. Today's performance is the byproduct of discoveries and decisions that we fabricated many months and often even years agone. Our time horizon must ever extend far beyond the next quarter. As always, that means doing the difficult piece of work of imagining what the globe volition await like in v years and adjustment ourselves with those long-term consumer trends."

"Every 13 weeks brings the beginning of still another cycle of reporting to our investors, analysts, board, banks, franchisees, and squad members. Later on hearing our reports, many of these stakeholders focus on a metric that means a lot to them only comparatively fiddling in and of itself to me, earnings-per-share growth. In the aftermath of every phone call, we become either applause or boos based solely on how our EPS growth has fared confronting analysts' estimates, which always amuses me. If we exceed Wall Street's consensus estimates for the quarter, nosotros are deemed a vivid, forward-thinking management team. If we miss the Street'due south estimate, we land on the listing of downward spiralling companies that are plagued with questionable leadership. That's an awfully wrongheaded arroyo to gauging a company's long-term prospects."

"Despite the abiding pressure to submit to quick fixes, you stand a far better chance of delivering strong quarterly results year afterward yr when y'all focus on strengthening your competitive advantage and growing only when your business organisation model offers a proven competitive alternative."

Win-Win Approach

 Source: Ron Shaich 2010 IGNITE presentation

Source: Ron Shaich 2010 IGNITE presentation

"When I go to the ATM, I'chiliad usually required to brand a deposit before I brand a withdrawal. I'd debate it'southward the aforementioned in concern. We have to spend less fourth dimension figuring out how to extract economical value from our stakeholders and more than fourth dimension creating what is valuable to them. Doing so is what ultimately creates long-term value."

"From its inception, Panera has utilized the principles that some call conscious capitalism, and which nosotros at Panera like to call "enlightened cocky-interest." This notion of a conscious approach to value creation is built on the key premise that every business has a deeper purpose than short-term profit maximization. Indeed, we regard profit and the creation of shareholder value as the byproduct of making a divergence for our cardinal stakeholders and order. When we deliver for our customers, employees, vendors, and the wider community, shareholder value follows."


"Turnarounds are long-shots, and almost impossible to pull off. Business books grow with stories of heroic CEOs who come to the rescue of once proud companies that failed to arrange to a changing world.

At that place'southward Lou Gerstner's turnaround at IBM. Steve Jobs' improbable resurrection of Apple. And Lee Iacocca'due south stirring rescue of Chrysler. We can celebrate those stories, fifty-fifty as we recognize that turnaround attempts seldom plow out very well. Equally problematic, a turnaround is an expensive substitute—in terms of squandered resource and the toll its takes on associates—for serial innovation. As the strategist Gary Hamel puts it in The Hereafter of Management, a turnaround "is transformation tragically delayed." For any executive team, the existent challenge is "to build organizations that are capable of continuous cocky-renewal in the absence of a crisis [my emphasis]."

"My message: Don't avoid the inevitable. Be a realist at present and innovate while you have the breathing room, the resources, and the credibility with your stakeholders. Do that, and your company will avoid the demand for a "radical turnaround" expert in the future."


"Many executives have a love affair with spreadsheets. I am not one of them. In fact, I encourage my team to arroyo spreadsheets with a salubrious dose of skepticism, and I caution anybody else to do the aforementioned.

The futurity is filled with uncertainty and no i likes uncertainty. Doubtfulness implies take a chance, and nosotros all seek means to minimize risk. The hard numbers of the spreadsheet make the future seem more than sure. However, a spreadsheet is simply one possibility of the answer, not the reply itself. A spreadsheet is merely a fashion to organize data. Its numbers more often than not capture trends of the by, only it is in no fashion predictive of what's to come.

The best strategic decisions reverberate a healthy balance of historic information and well-considered cognition. We demand to await to other companies and industries as models for what will happen in the time to come.

Here'south a metaphor: 16-twelvemonth-olds. If you are familiar with whatever 16-year-olds, you know they can be terrors to alive with. Given raging hormones and the developmental need to question and pass up authorization, xvi-year-olds can truly test the parent-kid bond. I know of what I speak. If I looked at the accumulating information related to my sixteen-year-one-time son's recent behavior and projected that into the time to come, I would consider putting him upwardly for adoption. I'm not going to practice that, all the same, considering I know the past is non probable to be predictive of what'southward to come. By the time most 16-year-olds reach the age of 25, they lose much of their edge and morph into wonderful adults — at to the lowest degree that'south what I run across when I await at my friends' older children. The spreadsheet I would build based solely on the behavior of sixteen-year-olds may reverberate what is going on in the recent by and today, but not the changes that looking to other models tell us will occur in future months and years.

"French writer and philosopher Voltaire noted long ago that, "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd." Today's executives would exist wise to apply that thinking to spreadsheets. Their data reveals yesterday's truths; their spreadsheets of tomorrow are merely 1 possibility, but not a likely outcome. What they need is perspective and guardrails."


"I wrote a memo for the guy who took over from me, and I basically divers how I would compete with Panera if I wasn't part of Panera. How I would take out Panera. Our CEO asked me to work on it. I ended upward painting a vision for how Panera could re-transform itself. That transformation was rooted in using digital to set guest experience. Redefining how nosotros innovate. Build a loyalty program. Finding large adjacent billion dollar businesses nosotros could enter. I was asked to step back in equally CEO [every bit the CEO was sick] and I did and I used this transformation model."

"I recall we've approached engineering science very different from anybody else. Back in 2011 we didn't start out to create a digital plan or a mobile app. We started out to solve a invitee experience. And then much of what we do as business organisation people is rooted in empathy. Empathy for our guests. That'due south one of the most powerful skills we equally business organization leaders can accept. On my way to piece of work I would call Panera ahead and speak to a manager to brand an social club and my son would run in and pick upward in 30 seconds. He'd do that and I thought wow this is phenomenal. What about the other 8.5m people we serve every week, they don't have that experience. Information technology was great to accept your food made simultaneously with your trip to the store. I began to imagine how we would do that. I began to say digital offered a powerful alternative to see a guest demand."

What I find particularly enlightening about Mr Shaich's approach, beyond the obvious similarities between his own and other Investment and Business Masters' approaches, is that he dares to think differently. It obviously has made a  profound difference to his company's functioning. You lot can't contend confronting an 86-fold increment in shareholder returns over twenty years! Fifty-fifty Warren Buffet'south Berkshire Hathaway hasn't done that well, and Berkshire is a shining light for most investors. By merely thinking differently, Shaich has been able to transform his business concern multiple times and after some trial and mistake, and learning along the way, develop a brand and customer feel that offers tremendous value to all stakeholders - customers, staff and shareholders alike. Its truly remarkable to see.

His arroyo too makes me question my own portfolio - am I a business owner or a mere renter of stocks? I know what I would prefer to be. How about y'all?

Article by Investment Masters Course

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