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How Tl Get Chosen to Be a Disney Face Character

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Being a Disney character -- every dream come true! Imagine being paid to dress up and be a part of the magic. Walking around as your favorite character, signing autographs, putting on shows, and having children scream when they see you? Awesome. Since Disney is all over the place, they're constantly looking for performers. Why can't the next one be you?!

  1. 1

    Find an audition. Go to the website to see a list of upcoming auditions. They're held all over the place, though you'll have the most luck in California or Florida. Each one is different, so think carefully about what you'd like to do!

    • Look carefully because each audition is looking for something in particular -- parade performers, male comedic actors, look-alikes, etc. You may need to travel to find the audition you're really looking for. You shouldn't show up to a Mad Tea Party audition even if you're Jasmine's doppelganger unless you want to sip tea with Alice!
    • Each audition is open. You simply need to check-in early the day of the audition. They may fill up however, so the only thing you absolutely need to do is be prompt.
  2. 2

    Make sure you meet the requirements. Most Disney characters have a specific look, even if you're not one of the "faces." You gotta fit the suit, after all. Mickey, Minnie, and other fully outfitted characters have less strict guidelines, but guidelines nonetheless. For example, princesses can't be above 5'7". And you gotta be at least 18 -- and under 27, though that rule is technically unwritten.

    • There's a physique look too, obviously. Characters without full suits must look like their character; those in suits must fit in it comfortably. It all depends on who you're playing (and you may be assigned to play several).
    • In general, Disney prefers their "faces" not to have distinguishable features. For example, if Cinderella has a huge mole on her face one day and then it is "gone" the next, children may get suspicious. That's just how it is.


  3. 3

    Assemble your headshot and resume. It's best to have your headshot prepared on normal letter paper, with either your resume directly printed on back or attached. Make sure it's crisp and new and everything is up to date. If you have blonde hair in your headshot but blue hair in real life, they may consider it all out-of-date! You want to give the best first impression possible.

    • If you don't already have a headshot and resume, get on that! Find a friend that's a blooming photographer and ask them if you can be a (free) guinea pig. Then get on a quick internet search to see what your resume should look like. It's not that daunting of a process if you get on it now!
  4. 4

    Prepare your necessary pieces. For each type of audition, you'll need a way to prove your chops. It's all fairly logical: for a singing audition, prepare 16 bars of a song. Acting? A monologue. Comedy? Brush up on your improv. Musician? a selection of three pieces to show your versatility. Basically bring your A game for whatever the audition calls for.

    • It's always good to have a back up, too. You don't want to see the three girls in front of you all singing, "Good Morning Baltimore," knowing that's your song, too. Always, always, always have a back up.
    • If you're looking to be a specific character, study the movie. If you can bust out Snow White at a moment's notice, the judges are bound to be impressed.
  5. 5

    Work on your flexibility and dance skills. You don't need to be a professional dancer, but a background and experience in choreography helps. So get to work on those split stretches and have your dancer friend teach you a few bits beyond that jazz square you've been whipping out at all those weddings. Every little bit helps!

    • Be careful in stretching. If you over stretch (especially when your muscles are cold), you could hurt yourself and have less flexibility for the day of the audition. Always exercise caution when it comes to your body!
  6. 6

    Get a good night's sleep . You want to be fully rested and raring to go for the morning of the audition. Your nerves will probably be on high alert, so do your body as many favors as you can by getting a full 8 hours of sleep. If you're lacking any energy, it'll be tough to give it your all.

    • While you're at it, eat a decent, normal breakfast. You don't want to eat anything too different in case it upsets your stomach, but do eat something substantial enough to get you through the morning. You could be waiting a long time.


  1. 1

    Check in early. Registration will open up an hour or two beforehand; just to be safe you'll want to get there on the early side of that. You can then take time to stretch, calm down, and size up your competition. They'll ask you for your headshot and resume and direct you to a place where you can wait, wait, and then wait some more.

    • Once you get there, only auditioners will be allowed in. So your family/cheerleaders may have to go on their merry way once you're in. Hey, this way you can make friends!
  2. 2

    Bring comfortable gear and water. You'll probably be doing some sort of movement even if it isn't technically dance (though it could be dance), so make sure you're wearing something comfortable. Do not dress as the character you are auditioning for -- auditioning for Ariel wearing a mermaid's tail can only lose you points.

    • If you're not looking to be any type of dancer, they'll probably have you doing improvised scenes. This is where you mime anything from packing a suitcase to experiencing ice cream the first time to chasing after the guy who stole your hat. You could be running around quite ferociously!
    • It may take a while and you may get a little thirsty, so bring your own bottle of water. And whatever else you may need! Chapstick, anyone?
  3. 3

    Wait. Sometimes these things take ages, especially if there's hundreds of you. They can only take so many people at once, so you may siphoned off into a waiting room more than once. Be friendly and positive -- you never know who might have some pull!

  4. 4

    Rock it. Whatever your audition is -- be it busting out a song or doing pirouettes down the hallway, rock it. Be confident and remember to smile! You got this. You're prepared. You're just as good as everyone else here.

    • If you're in auditions for a specific character, just be conscious of not dropping it. They're looking for someone who's this person in mind, body, and spirit. Every little quirk, every little movement, has to be this character. It's no longer you -- it's how Cinderella would pack a suitcase, it's how Goofy would pirouette down the hallway. From the tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes, you are this character.
      • The first part of the audition will be the dance, unless you're in a musician's audition. Although it is not very complicated, if you are unable to master the dance you will not be able to continue to the second part of the audition. After the dance, the judges will give you a scene they would like you to act out (eg. Goofy getting/decorating a Christmas tree, you getting your favorite dessert).
  5. 5

    And then wait some more. Judging can take a while. After the audition it is pretty much a waiting game and that's about it. Trust that they'll get a hold of you, that you wrote down your phone number and email correctly, and that you'll know the verdict in time.


  1. 1

    Start your training. Great! You made it. Now it's time to start training! This will probably be around a week's time. You'll have different expectations depending on your role or roles received. If you're a prominent character from a movie, they'll ask you to know the movie (and your character) like the back of your hand. We're talking quoting-the-entire-thing-from-memory back of your hand. How they move and interact, too!

    • If you're a suited character, they'll have you concentrating more on mannerisms and the handwriting. After all, if a child gets two Goofy autographs, they gotta look the same!
  2. 2

    Be your character at all times. All times. They have to be animated and brought to life even when it seems like no one's looking (though someone is always looking). That means when a child asks you, Pocahontas, what your opinion on the Internet is, you must respond with, " What is this Internet of which you speak, young one?" Even if they say, "Hey, look! Goofy!" Goofy is not in your world. That's a talking dog! Woah!

    • Disney can get pretty serious about this. From your words to frowning too much, they can get on you about it. Of all the rules, this is the most important. And it makes sense! If you don't keep up the magic, you'll ruin it for the kids who have been waiting their entire lives to experience the Disney magic.
  3. 3

    Play by the rules. Apart from the above golden rule, there are a whole bunch of other ones, too. No sitting, strict break times, no saying no to pictures or autographs, etc. and so forth. So play nice and listen to 'em! Most of them are there for a reason.

    • Unfortunately, being a Disney character isn't all fun and games (no job is). The pay isn't phenomenal (you get to dress up, isn't that incentive enough?) and there's a definite pecking order a la mean girls ("faces" before "furs"). But many workers say that even after months or years of working there, they still feel the Disney magic.
  4. 4

    Be magical. At the end of the day, you are creating something beautiful for the people at the park. The children there truly believe they're in a magical, wonderful place and they are. It can be the happiest place on Earth. Relish the moments you have being a part of it. You probably won't ever have another job like it!


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  • Question

    If I'm Canadian can I try out for Face Auditions?

    Community Answer

    Yes, everyone may attend all worldwide auditions listed on the Disney Auditions site.

  • Question

    Do I have to sing in the audition?

    Community Answer

    Not unless you are auditioning to be an actor/singer. There are some roles in which you will have to sing, and other roles in which you won't have to sing.

  • Question

    Do you have to know sign language to be a Disney character?

    Community Answer

    No, it is not required, but is definitely a positive experience for guests who require sign language.

  • Question

    What are the auditions like for people who intend to be fully costumed characters?

    Community Answer

    "Face Characters" and "Fur Characters" auditions are basically the same. You'll go through about 3-4 different rounds. Round One: Animation. Round Two: Dancing. Round Three: Smiling. And, if your lucky, you'll get to try on the costumes for a fitting test. Just be super animated, bubbly, and try to match the character you like as best as you can.

  • Question

    When trying to get a job as a character at Disney, do I audition for a specific role, or do they determine which character I will be?

    Community Answer

    You don't get to choose your character. The casting crew decides that for you.

  • Question

    If I am a dancer or a princess, will I need to sing?

    Community Answer

    Yes, you will. Or you will have to mouth the words (lip sync) to help create the magic.

  • Question

    Do I just turn up for an audition?

    Community Answer

    Yes, you register the day of the audition and in the same location. Just make sure you get there early, as spots fill up quickly!

  • Question

    How do I get an application?

    Community Answer

    You can apply at, although they recommend going to an audition first.

  • Question

    When I audition do I have to say which character I specifically want to be or not?

    Community Answer

    No, Disney will decide which character you will be. There is a chance that you could be two or more characters. Don't go to the audition dressed as a character you would like to play.

  • Question

    I live in Canada and I have always wanted to work as a Disney character. May I still partake in the entertainment role?

    Community Answer

    Yes, Disney Cruise Lines occasionally holds auditions in Canada, and everyone is allowed at all auditions listed on the official Disney Auditions site.

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  • Sign up for dance lessons. You will learn how to execute some common dance moves you may see again at the audition. Plan to start your dance lessons a year or more before you start auditioning. A few lessons won't be enough.

  • Wear appropriate shoes. If there are dance auditions you should plan to wear a pair of jazz dance shoes or other footwear for dancing. Athletic shoes, dress shoes or fashionable shoes may not be appropriate for the dance moves you'll be learning.

  • Look at the fine print. If it says to bring a parent you should. They may need to sign paperwork. This isn't an opportunity for a family outing so leave friends and other family at home. Auditions are hard enough without having everyone's younger brothers and sisters running around.

  • Have head shots taken and take them along to your audition. Don't feel pressured to spend a lot of money on these. Have a photo taken and take it to a local copy shop to have reprinted on 8"x10" glossy paper. You can have several head shots made for less than $5.

  • Be confident at all times and stay on task no matter what. Always have a positive look on your face.

  • Rent videos and research the characters at Disney. Look at their moves and how they interact with the guests. Keep those techniques in mind at your audition.

  • Take drama classes at school or sign up for acting classes in your town. Look for classes that offer techniques in improvisation and most importantly, pantomime techniques.

  • Many train as fur characters before moving into the face roles. If you do get chosen to be a face character don't expect to become a princess right away.

  • Princess gowns only go to a size 10. Which is smaller than a usual clothing size ten.

  • Talk to your drama teacher at school and ask for advice.

  • Keep the character you are shooting for and their story, movies, etc in mind. Knowing them well can widen your dialogue options and convinces the people you are really into character.

  • Make a resume. If you've had a lot of stage experience, dance experience or experience you'd like to share you can create a performance resume of your work. This can be printed on the back of your head shots or included on a separate sheet of paper. Format it like a resume and make sure to include your name, address, email and phone number on the page. If you are underage you can also include a parent's contact information.

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  • Beware of agencies that guarantee roles or guarantee auditions if you pay a fee or buy a photo package. Many fraud schemes take advantage of eager teens and their parents by making promises for jobs at Disney. Only trust the official Disney site.


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How Tl Get Chosen to Be a Disney Face Character
